Southern Comfort, la bebida espirituosa por excelencia de la ciudad de New Orleans y la bebida favorita de una de nuestras divas: Janis Joplin, hay un montón de instantáneas donde se la ve con una botella en la mano, lo que incrementó las ventas de este rico y afrutado Whiskey, por lo que la casa la obsequio con un abrigo de piel de lince.
Bueno, pues a nosotros también nos han obsequiado, tenemos camisetas de chica (dos tallas), de chico (dos tallas), gorras (beisboleras más bien) y abridores, ni que decir tiene que esto es material de primera calidad, los yankis hacen estas cosas muy bien.
Tenemos fotos de Janis tomándolo a palo seco, sólo y a gañote, pero cuando lo tomaba combinado, era con limón y un chorrito de lima. Estamos en el mejor momento, el tiempo ideal porque es un combinado muy refrescante.
A lo que vamos, por cada dos copitas que os toméis (sólo, con cola, con naranja o con lo que queráis) podréis llevaros una gorrita o una camiseta «by the face».
Cuando Janis lo tomaba tranquilamente en forma de chupito, lo mezclaba a partes iguales con lima, jactándose la casa Southern Comfort de que ese era el segundo combinado del mundo, después del Whiskey con soda. Pues eso, por cada dos chupitos, un abridor.
Incluimos book de fotos (en blanco y negro para seguir con el rollo «vintage») de Nekane (Infierno), customizada para la ocasión, que va a ser quien que se encargue de serviroslo.
Book Infernal
Os invito a que entréis en nuestra sección de WallaRock para que veáis el ofertón que tenemos si te llevas la botella entera para casa.
Una vez Janis y Jim Morrison se pelearon y esta le rompió la cabeza de un botellazo con una de estas botellas. Cuenta la leyenda que hay foto de esto, si alguien la encuentra y me la manda para poder ponerla en esta noticia, le atiborraré a copas de Southern.
Gracias soci@s!!
Yo del botellazo no he encontrado, pero si he visto una Foto de como le dejó…. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTER1CLIB34zw_vcanuybXWm2Ah-9_t68CdgAnNgZ_SwVIPbpEW9g
Y aquí la historia del botellazo
His meeting with Janis Joplin was a classic. Around this time Paul Rothchild decided he should get Morrison and Joplin together since he was working with both of them. He described what happened to Blair Jackson in Bam Magazine: ‘I thought here’s the King and Queen of rock ‘n’ roll. They should meet. So I got them together at a party in Hidden Hills. They both showed up sober and are getting along great. Jim is fascinated by this remarkable girl and of course Jim was also a fascinating guy and really good-looking. Janis loved to fuck. That was her single greatest pastime. She saw this hunk of meat [Jim] and said, ‘I want that.’ Jim would get drunk most days and this was no exception and as usual he got rude, obnoxious, and violent. He turned into a cretin, a disgusting drunk. And Janis, who was a charming drunk, was really put off by him. Well, the more Janis rejected him, the more Jim loved it. This was his kind of match. Janis finally said to me, ‘Let’s get out of here,’ and we went to the band station wagon that she always drove. Jim came staggering over. He reached into the car and started to say something and she told him to fuck off. She wasn’t interested anymore. Jim wasn’t going to take no for an answer, though, and he reached into the car and grabbed Janis by the hair. Well, she picked up a bottle of Southern Comfort she had, reached out of the car, and wailed him on the head with it. He was out cold. The next day, I saw Jim in rehearsal and he said to me, ‘What a great woman! She’s terrific! Can I have her telephone number?’ He was in love. Physical confrontation was his thing. He loved violence. I had to say, ‘Jim, Janis doesn’t think it would be a good idea for you two to get together again.’ And they never did. He was crushed.»